Professional Internship in Logistics, Import and export
Logistics or import and export internship offers
Below you can find general information about the most popular internship offers of this area. To see all published offers, go to the List of available internship offers logistics or import and export.
Information about Logistics, Import and export internships
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FAQs about Logistics, import and export internships
What studies are needed to do an internship in international logistics?
You can do an internship in logistics after a BAC + 2, a BTS, a Bachelor’s degree or a specialized Master’s degree.
In what industry should I do a purchasing and supply chain internship?
A purchasing and supply chain internship can be completed in many different fields: retail, fashion, textile, mechanical or even IT.
What language do I need to speak for an import/export internship?
For this type of internship, you must be able to speak several foreign languages depending on the company’s needs, but fluency in English is mandatory.