Professional Internship in Technical and Engineering
Technical and Engineering internship offers
Below you can find general information about the most popular internship offers of this area. To see all published offers, go to the List of available internship offers technical and engineering.
Information about Technical and Engineering internships
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FAQs about Technical and Engineering internships
What studies do I need to do an internship in quality and auditing?
You can do your internship as early as your third year in engineering school, but the profiles sought are generally students in their fourth or fifth year.
What is an industrial process engineer?
The industrial process engineer is interested in the different processes and production systems of a company. He or she ensures that the human, economic and technological performance of the company works properly.
What is the profile for an internship in project management?
To do an internship in project management, you must have knowledge of communication and management, know how to use management tools and, of course, know how to manage a project to completion.